Friday, May 18, 2012

Update: I need a life.

So, you know how I always say "I'd rather be bored than angry all the time."? 

That still stands true. However, I feel like there's more to do around Milford than out here. Sure I get to see Neal all the time, and Amy is closer, but I still find myself feeling lonely.

I've been hanging out with Neal a lot, and I'm getting worried that it's too much. I really need to find things to do to get me out of the house and more... busy. 

Maybe I'm just feeling this way because I really have nothing to do right now. 

Back to playing Pokemon!!

Love and Peace


  1. Wait. I'm Ali...did you decide to call me Amy now?

    Also, call/text me if you want out. I'm never overly busy. I can't tomorrow or Monday..maybe Tuesday after class?

    1. I'll just change your name depending on what I'm digging that day.

      And Maybe Tuesday. What about Wednesday?
