It was during the zombie apocalypse, and we had a safe house. It was actually a large group of people. We lived quite comfortably as we all had the number one rule "Keep your weapons with you."
This became apparent when a party was being thrown and someone got bit. He was in denial at first, so we put him in the upstairs infirmary (the bathroom) to wash his bite wound out with alcohol and such (He got bit on the neck). Unfortunately, nothing worked and he killed two people, so we killed him. I think a bunch of us vacated the house to get rid of surrounding zombies.
Throughout all this, I was an archer. I had this really sweet quiver of arrows that you zipped up, and then on top there was a compartment for archery gloves and stuff like that.
Anyway, I prepped my quiver and headed out on a hunting team to kill some more zombies. As we were hiding among some rocks, scouting, we were surrounded by three people who tried to distract us while a third aimed more arrows at us, but I saw him and shot.
Soon arrows were flying everywhere but we were able to fend our attacker off. Later we were in a forest in these giant... I'm not sure how to describe them. They were giant nest-like platforms that were hung between these trees. And these trees were huge!
But the people who ambushed us were sitting with us in the nest. Just hanging out.
That's when we figured out they were tracking us and wanted to get back to our safehouse. I had to take apart all of my arrows to find 2 that had a tracker in them. I told the others to go on while I got some more arrows. Different ones.
Then it changed and I was visiting Neal. We kept trying to have sex, but something kept interrupting us.
That's all I remember for now.
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