Monday, October 8, 2012

Proper Update

I suppose I should give all of you a proper update seeing as how I haven't been doing that lately, and how I have the time right now.

Things are alright enough. I mean, I'm recovering from a pretty stressful week.

It was stressful in the fact that I didn't get to sleep much and felt like I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. A lot of that had to do with the fact that it took me forever to fall asleep and I kept waking up early. Getting roughly four hours of sleep a night. Maybe a little more or less. I wasn't exactly keeping track.

Well, apparently, I am one of those people that needs to sleep nightly. I sort of turned neurotic and crazy. Thank God for the types of people my friends are. They're so patient. Even when I'm just a hot mess they shake it off and continue to me there.

This weekend was really nice even though it was busy. I didn't start off this week as strong as I'd have liked to due to being busy and such a procrastinator, but I think it'll be a lot better than last week. Even if I do have to work this weekend.

Looking forward, I know I have to work three weekends in a row, but I need the money. I'm very frustrated with Kleiner at the moment, but I really need the money so I'll get through it. Hopefully I'll get to the end of this semester with just a few cuts and scrapes. Nothing like getting fired from your job or failing a class to put a damper on the holiday spirits.

Speaking of holidays, Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I'm surprised at how fast the months are going by. It's strange because it feels like the days are inching by, but when the week is through, it feels like the end came very fast. Hopefully, this doesn't happen in Japan. I want the days to go by as slow as possible so I can enjoy every minute I have with the boyfriend.

Tonight is going to be busy-ish. I mean, I have to come home after my 6-9 and write a french paper and journal. Then tomorrow and Wednesday will be a lot easier because I'll have more time to get things done and unwind. Anyway you look at it, this week is certainly looking up.

Alright, I'm going to go figure out what I want to make for dinner.
Much Love!

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