I'm feeling rather hopeful, as I usually do at the beginning of a new day. Sometimes I feel like I take the journey of Ra. I get up in the morning, shine bright, and then as I cross the horizon into the night, I have to fight a bunch of demons to emerge victorious again.
And somehow, comparing myself to an Egyptian god makes me feel a little bit better.
Today should be pretty low key. Started off my morning right by sleeping in, which was well deserved after my almost full day of working yesterday and sort of rocky night. I realized Neal was on, so I got to talk to him.
Now all that's left is breakfast, homework with Allison, and then work again at four... Sometimes, I wonder why I ever where anything else besides my work uniform. I'm going to have to wear yoga pants until I can find a suitable pair of black pants. Apparently, after a semester in black jeans, I'm not allowed to wear them anymore.
I think, though, the reason that I was told off about this was because the student manager who told me was new. It has been the second time I was told something nit-picky was out of place and it was, both times, by new student managers. I think this is because they want to show that they know what they're doing in a completely new job type and trying to establish their dominance over the gray-shirted commoners. They'll probably calm down in a few weeks when they get into the swing of things.
Even so, I probably should find a pair of black slacks from some brand like Dickies or something. Nothing too expensive because I don't think those black aprons they make us wear, are entirely whipped cream proof.
I guess in all reality, I shouldn't have been working last night. I was way too tired and though it ended in many hilarious instances (ie, knocking a blender slightly off its rotating blades to make the whole back room sound like it was in a saw facility and having the social worker come back to turn off the blender as me and the student manager stared at it to see what it was doing), when I got home I was exhausted to the point of being done with life.
Oh well. I need the money. I know I'll continue to work like this without rest until I'm tucked safely in Neal's arms in Japan. Then I'll sleep all I want.
In other news, I'm probably one of the world's most boring people. It really is true that when you get in college and you choose good grades and sleep over social life, you really don't have a social life. I mean, I work, I study, and when I'm not doing either, I don't want to do anything but read a good book or watch Adventure Time which has easily become my most favorite show. I'm really bummed that I have to miss the new episodes coming out on Mondays due to class. Actually, I also have to miss the new episodes of glee coming out on Thursdays due to class too.
Maybe when I get home, I'll just find them on the tv thing and marathon all of them.
Alright lovelies! I'm off to start my day!
Love and Peace
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