Monday, September 17, 2012


Know how music can change your mood and affect you for the rest of the week? Like how you just listen to one song and then it affects everything you do? Last week was kind of sad. I listened to Rascal Flatts' song Wake Me Up.

It's so good, but it makes me sort of depressed. So now I'm listening to Knee Deep by Zac Brown Band and it's really nice. Sort of springy.

Today started out rough. I have to tell you. I didn't end up going to sleep until 2 or 3 am and then I had to get up again at 7. Sort got a glare from the teacher as I listened to his lecture for the first half hour with my eyes closed. Good thing I can wake up around 10.

Class was great and the quiz we took wasn't that bad. It even let us get out an hour early which was perfect! I headed straight home and slept.

At first I was only going to sleep for an hour, but my room was warm and I was tired so I allowed myself a couple more hours before getting up, doing homework, and now blogging to you. The rest of the day will be taken up with classes. I have a quiz in science, which shouldn't be too bad, and then three hours of psychology where I'll probably write another letter to Neal...

If he gets the others I sent him. This is ridiculous! It's been a while since I've sent him my letters and he still hasn't gotten them.

Anyway, after class tonight, I'm going to go through my composition 2 in french and correct it and add to it if I need to. Maybe I'll do journal 2 if she's posted it yet.

Right now, I'm not caring that particularly much. Maybe it's the fact that I'll probably have trouble falling asleep tonight, as always. Maybe it's the resignation that all my life is consisting of presently is school and work. Maybe it's the fact that I've stressed myself out to the point where I don't care anymore.

Who knows. I guess it's a strange thing, how peace can come from a storm.

Love and Peace


So after science class, where we had a quiz, I was able to have an hour to myself. Since it was so nice out, I went to the arb next to the pond, found a rock to place my bag against and made it my pillow. I was fully intending to read my book, but instead ended up taking another nap before class.

Class was long. I lost heart halfway through so that means a lot of work this weekend for that class seeing as there is a test in there on Monday. I have a week so it'll be fine.

After class it started to rain, but I caught a bus so I didn't get too wet. The lightning was gorgeous though. I watched it as I drove to Family Fare to pick up milk and apples. Half of me wanted to stand outside in the weather in some park just to watch the lighting, but another, probably smarter, half said that it might be better to just hang out in the car.

It was still really pretty, watching that florescent purple light up the sky around bright, white, gashes.

Then I got home and rearranged my room.

I probably have to clean up a lot in order to get the feel I want, but I sort of like it. Now all I need are Adventure Time DVDs and to set my ps2 up and I'll be set for the weekends.

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