Monday, November 12, 2012


I think now until finals I'm just going to want to put a gun in my mouth and get it all over with.

I can't handle how difficult planned parenthood is making this for me. "You need to come in on your period." "Well I'm on my period now..." "Oh, we're all booked up." So I call back later. "I'd like to make an appointment for December when I'm on my period." "Well you have to call when you're on your period." "Last time I did that you were booked." "Well call early."

I'm over being done with them.

Then school. I don't really have any more to say about that.

Work. I am actually starting to like my job, and like the money they pay me. However, I want to do Gymboree too. Maybe there's a way to do both? I dunno. I'll wait and see what she says before trying to work all that in.

NaNoWriMo and letters to the boyfriend. How can I write all that when I need to bust my ass every other day? I need to write around 2,500 words today just to stay on top of things because I just can't write on Wednesdays. I also need to write to the boyfriend because he's that important to me and getting letters is fun.

Right now, a bit of me feels like I'm being swept out to sea without a boat. How am I going to float without anything? Can't I ever get a log or floaties or something?! An inner-tube? Floaties? Something to hold onto?

Of course, this could just be God saying I need to learn to swim better and teaching me by kicking me into a raging sea.


I'm going to go finish some homework and study for a test now.

Love and Peace

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