Saturday, March 30, 2013

It's amazing how mommy's always know what to say to make you feel better.

Last night, me and my own had a very hard conversation and I realized two things.

My mom isn't very good at comforting people. I mean, she isn't the type of person to say "I understand that things are hard right now and it's okay to feel horrible."

She says: "This is the way I see it and now we think of solutions." and the way she sees it is usually a lot more accurate, and sort of harsher than you would think. So I felt like an idiot for a little bit, especially when she pointed out things that could have been done instead of moping, but it feels better to think of solutions with someone who is an objective third party.

I guess in that way, my big epiphany last night, was that my mom is a lot like me when it comes to comforting people. We don't soften or pity the people we're comforting. We tell them like it is and then help them find the pieces they need to put themselves back together.

So now that I'm in the last leg of the semester, I just have to wait a month before putting my master plan into action.

I must say, it's a good feeling to know what to do. I just hate the fact how moody I've been to the people who don't deserve it. So I'm sorry about that.

Hopefully, things will keep looking up.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Second Half

It seems as if I am in the second half of everything in my life right now. I'm in the second half of my second semester of my second to last year at school. I'm also in the second half of the second month of the beginning of the second year with my boyfriend.

The snow is melting and the sun is shining, a rare occasion for March, but thankfully, spring will be officially here in roughly 6 days. That is something I can't wait for. I can't wait for the days to get warmer and for my summer wardrobe to come back out of the drawer it has been shoved in for the past bunches of months.

Actually, I can't wait to buy a lot of sundresses and wear them all the time. I can't wait to spend every day outside in the sun. Or almost every day.

I need to figure out all the things I want to do this summer. I know I want to plant a garden, but I'm not sure how plausible that will be this year. Especially with the great possibility of staying up at school for a good part of the summer, AND with the possibility of traveling as well.

It'll be a great summer. I'm sure of it.