Monday, December 3, 2012


There's nothing that a good cup of tea can't cure. I'm so glad my collection is growing because now I have some tea for almost every occasion. Soon, I'd like some tea for every occasion.

Tonight, I'm going to try a warm milk recipe. I know I need a few more spices to make it just right, but I'll make do with what I have.

I think, with Finals week approaching and with all the work I need to get done, I'm getting a bit lonely because I don't really get to socialize with people. At least if I do a study party with someone, there'll be someone in the room. However, I've earned myself the reputation of a talker when I study with someone, so I understand how people are mysteriously busy when I ask.

It's probably for the better. I do get a lot done when I'm on my own.

I should go get my phone now and prepare for bed. I have to be up early tomorrow for my first training day at Gymboree!

Wish me luck!


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