Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Amanda, I have a response to your comment under the cut.

Today is fairly busy. I have class and then tons of cleaning and packing to do before work. I've heard that I'll be doing a lot of cleaning since it's the day before the place is closed for break. I don't mind though. Hopefully we won't be really busy because every one has already gone home.

Freshmen do that right? They go home early?

Some other news, there is a wedding on the horizon! I don't know when, but I'm super excited. I got the perfect lipstick. Now all I have to do is find the perfect dress and shoes. Maybe I'll keep my eye out for that in March when the boyfriend and I go shopping together. :)

Alright, I've been putting off this assignment too much. I still need to get ready for class.

Love and Peace!

P.S. Amanda, your reply is waiting for you.

I tried to respond to your comment, but for some reason, my account here won't let me reply to people's comments or make comments on other blogs.

So I'll just answer you here.

For the break, I'm hoping it won't be too hard. My mommy has a lot of work to do, so we'll be pulling study hours together. If there's one person that it's hard to goof off around, it's my her. As for you, you have a lot more discipline than I do, so I have faith you'll get every thing done.

I think G+ hasn't caught on yet because it's still really new. It just needs some time for people to discover it. I bet you, in a few years, it'll be the next big thing.

Finally, we need to hang out.

Love Elie

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