Sunday, November 18, 2012


Okay, I know I have a lot of work to do. Trust me.


Watching the history channel talk about evil men of history and curling my hair is a lot more fun. Here is a picture of me and my new hair style:

I really like it. Though maybe it's for a day when I'm not wearing sweats all day. :P

Calligula is one crazy bastard by the way. I'm glad I'm not living in ancient roman times. Actually, I think I'd like to live in ancient Greece, or Sparta.

Oh! There's a whole special on Calligula! 1500 days of TERROR!!

We're gonna be experts on this guy when this day is over.

Now I'm sitting here practicing the fishtail braid on Gretchen as the curls in my hair fall out. Today promises to be a lazy day.

... I'll just get everything done during Thanksgiving break. I mean, a couple of hours a day can't be too painful right?

Well I'm off to get this damn thing right and learn about a famous psychopath.

Love and Peace

P.S. Google plus is better than skype imho.

1 comment:

  1. Omgsh you're so adorable. Love the curly hair. ;)

    Fishtail braids are cute too!! I can't get a french fishtail yet though...sadness.

    I'm with you on the whole "couple hours a day" thing. It might actually be painful, but we shall pull through!

    Lastly, G+ IS better than skype!! You can talk to 10 freaking people at once! I don't know why it didn't catch on..
