Thursday, November 29, 2012

Two things

Amanda: I want a story from you about you and your beau. Also, I'm sorry about your stress and what your mom said. I'm sure things will get better after finals. If you need a study buddy, just text me your location and I'll show up with my multitude of shit to do.

The rest of you:

I finished reading the first book of the Hunger Games trilogy today. So now, I'm going to stay up and watch the movie. It's just the first few scenes and already I want to go and practice archery. I wish I had a professional to show me what I need to work on.

Anyway, the movie was done really well. Sure they left out a few characters/slightly changed some scenes. But they did it in a way that was true to the book and the world that was created. It's very good.

I actually might buy the movies to match the books. They're the kinds of movies I can watch many times without getting bored. Or the first one is in any case.

Something else regarding this series, Megan calls me Katniss sometimes. I find I like the comparison, even if I don't think it's that accurate.

Man, this day is weighing on me and it's hardly over. My body is sore with fatigue. It's one of those nights where I wish someone would take me by the hand and tuck me into bed, shushing me when I mumble about getting work done.

I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing that no one is here.

Tomorrow I'll be up early again. I have my first day of job training at Gymboree. Then I get to come home and nap or try some walking test runs with my pipe cleaner people and their sticky tack shoes.

Perhaps that is my creative outlet. Not only do I get to write, but I get to create as well. Of course, I can't say exactly what right now. That would give away the boyfriend's Christmas gift. However,  my project has turned my room into a studio of sorts.

There's no way I'll be getting anything done in there unless it's about my project. I think, if I get a bit done each day, it'll be done in time. :)

Anyways, after my small break, I'll be taking my step-dad to visit the dorms that I might be living in next year.

Oh! I almost forgot!

I went to a meeting today about getting into the college of ed. I'm completely terrified, but tomorrow morning, I need to call up and make an appointment with my advisor.

Hopefully everything will turn out all right. I'm too out of it to really be worried right now. Maybe it'll hit me when I wake up and I'll do my freaking out then.

Or not. I feel like I'm at my limit with this stress thing. My face is even breaking out like nobody's  business. I know I should be exercising, because that really helps with stress level and complexion. But when I have free time, I only want to work on my project or read.

Some other thoughts. I'm thinking of dropping Campus Dining to try and go for a writing 150 tutoring job at the tutoring center. I'll go and ask them sometime next week. In between my CoE appointment and everything else I need to do.

Alright. I'm going to go watch my movie and brainstorm about how I'm going to write this effing paper.

I'm sorry Nick, I don't know how you stand writing psychology papers and designing experiments.

Love and Peace

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